Updated 02-12-2025
These 2 qcow2 images are from a Slackware-15.0 Proxmox VM that's been updated with the latest security patches,
kernel, and needed perl modules. They've been setup for use with the SlackerMail mail server, or you can use them
for an easy install of Slackware.
These images are ready to run, and come with a 20GB / partition that uses the ext4 or the btrfs filesystem. You can
enlarge the 20GB / partition to the max of the drive it is on.
slackpkg update
slackpkg upgrade-all
If the full system upgrade included a kernel upgrade then run:
"lilo" at the command prompt if lilo is your bootloader.
"grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg" if grub is your bootloader.
You should be set with a Slackware-15.0 system using the full disk, and ready to install SlackerMail if you want. You can
also use these qcow2 images for a fully upgraded and ready to run Slackware system for any purpose you want. It's way
easier and faster than doing the DVD iso install. I always use one of these images when setting up a SlackerMail mail server.